Goldendoodle Breeder Servicing California
Doodles of NC is a in-home breeder, exclusive to the Goldendoodle breed, offering puppies for sale to families located in California. We are located in Burlington, NC, and offer in person puppy transport to airports like Los Angeles, San Diego, and San Francisco in California. This offers our families just a short trip to the airport and let us handle the rest. Further, we welcome our out of state families to come in person for puppy picking (at 4 weeks) and puppy pick up (at 8 weeks) and will assist in hotel accommodations.
Los Angeles, Ca. - 1/2 hr. from Los Angeles Airport
San Diego, Ca. - 1/2 hr. from San Diego Airport
San Jose, Ca. - 1 hr. from San Jose Mineta International Airport
San Francisco, Ca. - 1/2 hr. from San Francisco Airport
Fresno, Ca. - 1/2 hr. from Fresno Yosemite International Airport
Sacramento, Ca. - 1/2 hr. from Sacramento International Airport
Long Beach, Ca. - 1/2 hr from Los Angeles Airport
If you are unable to make the trip to North Carolina, don't worry! Our Air Delivery option is available to bring our puppies straight to your doorstep. We take it upon ourselves to personally travel and deliver each puppy to their forever family with love and care. We strongly believe that this process is more beneficial than relying on a third-party to handle the transportation of our puppies.
Why are we an exclusive Goldendoodle breeder?
We love breeding Goldendoodles because the breed incorporates the best of both worlds: the intelligence & trainability of the Poodles and the lovable personalities of Golden Retrievers. Their loyalty, affection and non-aggressive temperament make them great family dogs - especially families with children. With our dedication to raise the puppies in our personal home, the F-1B Goldendoodles are the perfect breed to trust around our two young daughters.
What are F-1B Goldendoodles?
Our beautiful, well-tempered F-1B Goldendoodles are 1/4 Golden Retriever and 3/4 Poodle. An F-1B Goldendoodle has become very popular and is known for its friendly, loving nature paired with its hypoallergenic fur. The resulting dog has the wonderful disposition of a Golden Retriever with the almost non-existent shedding of the Poodle.
We are so thankful you decided to visit!
We hope the topics below help you get to know us better as you learn about our breeding style and puppies...or should we say your future pup!
Please feel free to contact us directly with any questions!