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Amazon Store Specializing in Goldendoodle Puppy Supplies

"How can we make the transition home a sweet experience for our new puppy?"

We love when clients ask this question because it shows their hearts are ready for the next step. From personal videos, pictures, and visits shared during the first 6 weeks, they've already fallen in love with their precious bundles.

So, we've created an Amazon Store we hope will serve as a great resource to new puppy owners. Our top recommended items span the four most important categories to consider.

1) Toys

Choosing the right types of toys will help you ensure your puppy is getting proper exercise while also creating fun memories. With Goldendoodles being a highly intelligent breed, we recommend instilling a toy rotation. Avoiding toy boredom helps keep your shoes and furniture from becoming enticing teething options.

2) Training

Although we devote significant time and energy into litter training the puppies, full house training is just not possible in the first 8 weeks alone. So, it is up to the families to keep the progress going! The first few weeks during home transition are paramount to establishing successful habits in their new environment. From crates and leashes, to a complete training package, this section includes recommended items for housebreaking and behavioral training.

3) Food

You are what you eat...right? The same is true for puppies. Doodles of NC puppies are accustomed to Orijen food. A change in their diet can sometimes make house breaking a bit harder to tackle due to upset tummies. The brand included in our Amazon Store - Orijen - contains the right proportions of meat, fruit and veggies to create the calories and minerals appropriate for their sensitive development and growth.

4) Grooming

After weeks of being groomed by their mommy, puppies find comfort in being pampered. All-natural brands of shampoo and ear wipes help protect their coats and sensitive skin from irritation. And, although Goldendoodles are known for their nearly non-existent hypoallergenic coats, they still enjoy the massage a shedding brush provides.

Our role as breeders extends well beyond the first 8 weeks. We enjoy being available as trusted advisors throughout the lives of our puppies. So, helping new clients transition their puppies home is just another important step along that journey.

If you would like our recommendation for other categories or items, please let us know in the comments section below. And, if you are still in the market for your Goldendoodle puppy, we welcome you to contact us and learn more about the Doodles of NC in-home breeding difference.

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